Inte utan Popquiz!!
A 100 m del hotel
Kungsgatan 8
Una guía para encontrar alojamientos fantásticos cerca de Hotell Gästis
Ta Baguette med räkröra, Ciabatta med mozzarella och soltorkade tomater eller Kyckling Panini. #mums
A 207 m del hotel
Drottninggatan 23
Really good Cappuccino, friendly and timely service! Nice atmosphere!
A 241 m del hotel
Torggatan 11
Excellent food and staff. Really enjoyed the stay
A 0.5 km del hotel
Varbergs fästning
Make sure to join the informative and very engaging guided tour. It takes you into the walls where you can't go by yourself. Highly recommended!
A 0.6 km del hotel
Varbergs fästning
If you don't mind spending some money, I highly recommend this place. Great atmosphere and delicious food.
A 2.7 km del hotel
Tångkörarvägen 4
Great spot to kite and windsurf. Watch out for them if you're taking a swim.
A 2.9 km del hotel